Advanced Solutions for Oil-free Compressed Air
Dry, dust-free, and oil-free compressed air plays a very important and often underestimated role in numerous applications. Industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, and electronics often rely on especially high process safety utilizing the highest quality compressed air. In many production facilities, compressed air comes directly or indirectly into contact with production lines, products or packaging materials. Contamination through residual oil content, micro-organisms, and germs then have significant consequences for product quality, consumer safety, and your market reputation.
BEKOKAT® Oil-free and Germ-free Conversion Systems
Hydrocarbons are present in every compressed air stream even if you use oil-free compression due to the re-entry of hydrocarbons from the ambient air. Additionally, oil-free compressors are costly and not without potential failures (e.g. main crankcase seal failure) that can be catastrophic to an application. The only way to truly guarantee oil-free air (ISO 8573-1, Class 1) is through supplementary processing and assistance from a catalyst to break down hydrocarbon molecules in the compressed air stream.

CLEARPOINT® V Activated Carbon Adsorption Systems
The activated-carbon adsorbers of the CLEARPOINT® V series are particularly suitable for large volume flows and high pressures. They are a convincing solution on account of a minimum residual oil content of only 0.003 mg/m³ and low differential pressure with extremely low energy costs.